Did you know that distance education has many advantages over traditional face-to-face or full-time learning? Read this article and discover several reasons why you should consider studying through distance education.
5 Ways to improve your writing skills
Are you confident to compile a business or research report? Read this article with tips to improve your academic writing.
Advantages of distance learning
Did you know that distance education has many advantages over traditional face-to-face or full-time learning? Read this article and discover several reasons why you should consider studying through distance education.
10 Tips to make the most of your graduation
Graduation is a major event and transition point for many students. It is a time to celebrate your hard work and accomplishments. Read in this article what you can do to make the most of this special day.
Welcome Letter by the Principal
Welcome to BMT College, where personal attention, social interaction and student success define our student culture
5 Reasons to Study for an Advanced Diploma
Are you confident to compile a business or research report? Read this article with tips to improve your academic writing.
Online Studies through Distance Education
What do I need to study online? To begin your online studies with BMT College, you will need two key things: A reliable computer with internet access. Access to the Virtual Campus, where you can view or download your study guides and complete assignments. You will also use your prescribed textbooks alongside the study materials …